



西西雅图老年人和家庭, 如果您对所需的州考试有任何疑问, 请联系测试协调员艾米·多尔 asdoll@ivantseng.com

All students in grade 10 are required to take the 更明智的平衡评估 (SBA). All students in grade 11 are required to take the 华盛顿 Comprehensive Assessment of Science (wca). A parent or guardian may opt out a student by submitting a Refusal Request. Students who do not participate will receive a “zero” score on the assessment and be considered non-proficient. 这可能会影响学生未来的课程选择.

  • 4月1-5日:S集市平衡评估 濒危语言联盟 (所有10年级学生)
  • 强对流 & 5月28 - 30: 更聪明的平衡评估数学 (所有10年级学生和11年级学生代数II和几何)
  • 5 - 6月:华盛顿科学综合评估 wca (所有11年级学生参加科学课,日期待定)


All Students are required to meet State Standards in 英语语言 and Math to earn a diploma. The most efficient way to demonstrate proficiency is by taking and passing the state exams given to students in the spring of their sophomore year.

Students must bring a district issued laptop; WSHS will provide headphones and test tickets. The SBA Assessment is untimed (濒危语言联盟 averages 3–4 hours and Math averages 2–3). 小企业评估分为两个部分:

  1. 计算机适应性测试(CAT) 20项
  2. PT(性能任务)
  • 第一部分:简短回答或构造性回答
  • Segment two: Longer writing task associated with the same articles/sources


  • Backpacks/bags, cell phones, AirPods/earbuds, s集市 watches, other electronics

All items will be collected from students with no access (including during breaks) until class is dismissed. 在学生身上发现的物品将导致取消分数.


政府 周一5/6 7:30-12PM 健身房 
统计数据 星期二5/7 11:30-3:30PM健身房 
英国文学 周三5/8 7:30 -12PM健身房 
中国语言 星期四5/9 8:30 -12PM 图书馆 
环境科学 星期四5/9 7:30-12PM 健身房 
2D美术与设计 5/9数字作品集下午1-2点提交 房间123克
3D美术与设计 5/9数字作品集下午1-2点提交 房间123克 
美国历史上 星期五5/10 7:30 -12PM 健身房 
微积分公元前5/13星期一7:30 - 12:00 健身房 
英语语言 5/14星期二7:30 - 12:00 健身房 
世界历史 5/15星期三7:30 - 12:00 健身房 
计算机科学原理 星期三5/15 12:00-下午3:30图书馆 
西班牙语 5/16星期四7:30 - 12:00 图书馆 
生物学 星期四5/16 11:45- 3:30PM健身房 
物理星期五5/17 7:45 - 12:00 健身房 
末考试 周三5/22 8:00-12PM 图书馆 
法语 星期四5/23 11:45-4PM 图书馆 




SAT考试是通往毕业的额外途径. A qualifying score on the SAT can be used to satisfy the graduation requirement for 濒危语言联盟 and/or math. Students scoring 410 on the 濒危语言联盟 and a 430 on Math sections will meet Grad Pathway requirement. 

的最新信息 Seattle Public School’s School 一天 SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) please refer to the district SAT webpage



  • 在体育馆进行测试时,多穿几层衣服(不允许穿毯子)
  • 把手机、可穿戴设备和耳机留在家里. Phones found in testing location will be searched and students will be dismissed, any testing related information found on the phone and the student will be banned from future College Board exams. 
  • 铅笔和计算器 
  • Snacks and Water Bottles must be labeled with Student name and left in the back of the classroom. 食物和水只能在预定的休息时间获得. 


SAT成绩由美国大学理事会在网上公布(公布日期). Students will need to log in to their CollegeBoard account to view their scores


  1. 如何获得你的分数 
  2. 了解你的SAT成绩 | Finding out how SAT scores are calculated, score structure, what SAT scoring means for you. 
  3. 如何寄送SAT成绩 |yzc888亚洲城网页版发送SAT成绩的信息. 


Visit the Free SAT Practice at CollegeBoard for testing tips and resources

Refer to the district SAT page for more information about testing and yzc888亚洲城官网

本学年 BHS辅导员希望鼓励所有12年级的学生参加 因为这是一个满足毕业衔接要求的机会. The Graduation Pathway requirement can be met a few different ways including taking and earning a cut score on the SBA, SAT或ACT. Or also, by taking and passing a college level English and college level math course. 

yzc888亚洲城官网SAT信息 & yzc888亚洲城官网 

SAT是美国使用最广泛的大学入学考试. SAT scores demonstrate students are prepared for college with necessary skills and knowledge. 

符合资格的学生 免费或减价午餐(FRL) may be eligible to receive additional benefits from the College Board such as free SAT tests and unlimited sending of scores. 为了得到这些好处, applicants must check the box on the form for ‘Pre College 考试s’ in section number 7 of the form and sign. 访问yzc888亚洲城官网学校日SAT页面获取更多信息


  • 没有成本. 学校日考试对SPS学生是免费的. 家庭不需要提前采取任何行动. 
  • 学生也可以免费提交最多四份成绩报告. The school-day test permits students to send score reports to as many as four colleges or scholarship programs. 
  • 通往毕业的额外途径. A qualifying score on the SAT can be used as a graduation pathway for 英语语言 Arts 濒危语言联盟 and/or math. 

The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) focuses on the knowledge and skills that the best evidence indicates are essential for college and career readiness and success. This test is composed of four sections: Math, Reading, Writing and Language, and Essay.  




  • yzc888亚洲城网页版很自豪地提供 大三学生免费参加PSAT考试.  This year the PSAT is a digital exam, and the exam length is 2 hours, 15 minutes.  考试时间是根据濒危语言联盟课程分配的, so if you have an English class at WSHS please reference the schedule below for your test date.  上午会议将运行8:50-11:10,下午会议将运行12:45-3:00.  Students must arrive on time; late arrivals will not be admitted to the exam
  • 有住宿和/或IEP的学生可以在10月27日星期五进行测试.  Students testing with extra time are adding 32 minutes to reading/writing and 35 minutes to math sections (required to use all the extra time).
  • 如果你没有在WSHS上濒危语言联盟课程,你将在 10月20日星期五. 
  • 如果您有任何问题,请联系测试协调员艾米·多尔 asdoll@ivantseng.com
  • 所有测试都在学校图书馆,直接向图书馆报告 
  • 测试计划:
  • 日期 & 教师/课堂时间
  • 周五上午10/20,开始学生跑步
  • 星期一上午10月23日Glover第一和第二学期的学生
  • 周二上午10/24罗森第二和第三节课的学生
  • 周二下午10/24节罗森第四节课
  • 周三上午10/25哈里斯第一和第二学期的学生
  • 周四上午10月26日哈里斯第三节课的学生
  • 周四10/26 PM Harris第五堂课 & 六年级学生
  • 周五10/27 AM时段容纳学生
  • 创建您的免费大学理事会帐户
  • 查看大学理事会网站上的免费备考yzc888亚洲城官网.
  • 审查经批准的PSAT计算器 – contact your Counselor if you need help obtaining a calculator for the test.

The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT/NMSQT) helps Juniors prepare for the SAT and is used to qualify students for scholarships and advanced learning opportunities.

The PSAT/NMSQT can qualify students for the National Merit Scholarship Program and other scholarships. To prepare, get practice tests with official SAT practice on Khan Academy online.

For more information about the SPS School 一天 PSAT/NMSQT please refer to the district PSAT and SAT webpage.